Thursday 23 May 2013

Here, have a website design
"Homepage" design
The main page of my website, with featured and interesting images from around the site featured in the image boxes, big links to the other pages and one large image that is reserved for the current most important image of the site, one that deserves attention(money maker ;) ).

"Order now" design
This is where hats are purchased if any happen to be on sale. They are displayed around the page, with the selected image appearing big with details and a price. Theres also a buy it now button...

"Designs" design
Conceptual sketches and drawings of hats that aren't yet for sale but can gain attention or be requested.

"All about us" design
Information about the company.
"Help!!!" Design
Help for anyone who might need it, answers to FAQ and obvious answers.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the valuable information and insights you have so provided here... Web Designer
